Viajera Libre - Transforming my soul, mind and spirit. Transforming my soul, mind and spirit. – Viajera Libre






Transforming my soul, mind and spirit!

In this life’s journey, we go through many experiences that make us grow and evolve in many internal and external ways. In these expansive cycles of our being, we seek ways to balance, restore, and harmonize certain parts of our essence that have shifted or become misaligned with our higher self and that wisdom residing within us in every cell of our organism and subconscious.

These imbalances manifest in all the energetic bodies of our being. Firstly, we identify with the physical body, which can represent many conditions and symptoms that manifest as pains and illnesses. It is here where matter reflects the imbalances of the other two bodies, the emotional and energetic.

These other two bodies are invisible bodies that we cannot see but can feel and perceive, and it is in this space where all the cellular changes truly happen, causing our physical bodies to suffer.

In my experience of transforming my soul, mind, and body, I observed that all my energetic bodies were imbalanced and blocked from the root of my cells and patterns, and limiting beliefs imposed in my subconscious. It was in this space of much pain, suffering, depression, and disconnection from myself that I began the process of transformation, transmutation, and liberation of my entire being.

Starting with my physical body, I found yoga and meditation, which was the first medicine that began to heal my body and mind. I started finding spaces of serenity, calm, and inner and outer peace within and outside of myself. My practice led me to connect with myself in a way I had never done before, and it was then that I began to feel that something was changing within me.

Then, I worked on my spirit through connection with the earth and many medicinal plants that taught me the way to return to my roots and find the sustenance and healing of Mother Nature. This part of my healing led me to encounter many shadows and patterns that have been difficult to overcome and navigate, but that I make more conscious and present every day, sending all the love I can to myself and to those energies that live within me.

Finally, I reunited with my soul, which is the foundation of our entire being. Our soul is the one that gives the spark of light to all our energetic bodies, and in this space, we find our true self and the infinite truth of our existence, and why we have incarnated at this moment here and now to expand our light, our love, and our frequencies. It was here in this space of silence and inner calm that I am finally connecting with my inner self and can feel all the love, peace, and light emanating from it.

The process of transformation and transmutation is different for everyone, but it is within each of us to find the tools that help us navigate those waves of emotions, feelings, sensations, memories, and traumas that unbalance us to return to our center and our being, and to feel all that we are not only physically but energetically, to be ready to live and express ourselves from love, expanding more light and consciousness to everything and everyone around us.

I send you all much light, peace, and love, and I hope that each one navigates the waves of these energetic, emotional, and physical changes with much compassion, connection, and above all, unconditional love for all the inner work that our souls, bodies, and spirits are doing to collectively heal.

Much love and light, Gaby💗


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