Gaby Amaya - 28/05/2018
Eight months ago, I embarked on a journey with no final destination, immersing myself not only in the external world but also in an inner jo...Read more
In this life’s journey, we go through many experiences that make us grow and evolve in many internal and external ways. In these expans...Read more
A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation Yoga has been a transformative force in my life, helping me find solace, purpose, and connec...Read more
Escribir mis pensamientos se vuelve más fácil en papel y en la intimidad de mi espacio sagrado, pero he escuchado el llamado del universo ...Read more
Let’s start this Journey of Manifesting the life your soul is clamming to live. First connecting with our bodies with different movement...Read more
Me ha costado mas de 4 meses sentarme a escribir estas palabras que publicare ahora, a lo largo de mi vida he pensado que todo lo que necesi...Read more
La mayoría que me han conocido en persona me recuerdan como la del alma libre, aventurera, soñadora, la chica llena de ideas que se quiere...Read more
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Happiness is a state of mind, we generally think that it is priceless, that if you are not happy life is not good enough. But have you ever ...Read more
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