Viajera Libre - 8/8 Lion's Manifestation Portal 8/8 Lion’s Manifestation Portal – Viajera Libre






8/8 Lion's Manifestation Portal

Let’s start this Journey to Manifest the life your soul is clamming to live!

First set up your space with the 4 elements of the earth: A Candle for Fire, Shells for Water, Crystals for Earth, and Feathers for Air.
Once you finish your space set up, try to connect with your body, you can start with different movements stretching, doing some yoga poses, or just being really aware of every part of your body, connecting with your breathing, feeling your belly moving in and out, your chest expanding.

This is an example of how you can do your RITUAL:

  • Ecstatic Dance Movements (Check Playlist under)
  • Breathwork Exercise
  • Guided Meditation
  • Sound Healing Bath
  • Write in your Journal or download the PDF I created for you to write in
Hope you enjoy it!!!

8/8 Portal Activation Video

Esctatic Dance Mix

Meditation & Sound Healing Bath by Gaby aMAYA

And to Finish this amazing portal I invite you to do a quick Manifestation checklist (Download the document under) where you can do some journalism regarding what you would like to manifest, what you want to let go and which are gonna be your commitment goals to make it happen.
Lista de Manifestación para el Portal 8/8, tambien disponible en español.

With all my love and light, hope you had enjoyed this experience.

Gaby aMAYA


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8/8 Lion's Manifestation Portal

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